Digitale visitkort til teams| Teamkort - CardPage
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Opret dit teams digitale visitkortside

Opret flere digitale visitkort til alle i din organisation med ét klik.

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Fantastiske funktioner

Betal i takt med din vækst
Betal kun for det, du bruger, og øg eller reducer efter behov.
Varemærkets konsistens
Du kan styre alle underkortenes design og udtryk med unikke indstillinger.
Ubegrænset antal underkort
Administrer et ubegrænset antal underkort i din organisation.
Opret med et enkelt klik
Opret alle dine underkort ved blot at importere en .csv-fil.
Få din virksomheds digitale kortside til ledelsesbrug.
Kortets tilpassede URL
Opret unikke underkortadresser under din virksomheds domæne

Opret Dit Teamkort Med Et Klik

Udstyr hele din organisation med imponerende digitale visitkort uden besvær. Du behøver ikke bruge utallige timer på at designe individuelle kort. Brug blot vores .CSV-skabelon til at indtaste alles oplysninger, herunder e-mailadresser, telefonnumre, sociale medieprofiler og mere. Upload filen til din teamkort-konto, og inden for få sekunder genererer systemet underkort for alle medlemmer. Det er så enkelt!

Markedsfør Din Virksomhed

The importance of brand consistency cannot be overstated. That's why CardPage's Team Card lets you customize the overall look of all the sub-cards within your organization. Using a business domain name, defining the card colors and template, displaying the organization's logo, and setting a unique address are just a few examples of how the admin of the team card can control its brand presence

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

How do I start my team card?

It's simple! Click the Start Here button and start building your team card. If you already have an account, on your CardPage dashboard, click "+" and select the Team card option from the top menu.

How many sub-cards can I create under a team card?

Unlimited. The number of sub-cards you create is up to you. Depending on your needs, you can add or remove cards.

Do I need to create the sub-cards manually?

Not at all! You will receive a .csv template file where you can update all the information for the sub-cards you wish to create. When you are ready, import the file, and the system will create all of the sub-cards in seconds. Your organization's sub-cards will be ready quickly.

How much does it cost?

We have three different packages starting at $4.5. Each sub-card costs $4.5, with a minimum order of 10.

Is it possible for me to change the number of sub-cards I have?

Yes, of course! Adding or removing sub-cards is always possible. You will be billed only based on your usage, so you will only pay for what you use.

Can I connect a unique domain to every sub-card?

Of course! With an upgraded team card, you can control the sub-card addresses. With a single setting, you can create subdomains under your business domain name (e.g., or connect a custom domain to each card. The choice is yours!

Is it possible to grant another person access to edit his sub-card?

Of course! You can send login details to specific sub-card owners so they can manage their sub-cards.

24/7 Live support - Vores support er her for dig!

Har du brug for hjælp?

CardPage dækker dig med fremragende kundesupport.

Vores team har som mål at besvare og løse alle dine spørgsmål høfligt, hurtigt og effektivt.

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